Our principles of compliance

STÜKEN's success is largely based on the trust of our customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders. Compliance with legal and internal requirements is essential for maintaining trust, for the stability of the company and for further successful growth. On the basis of the STÜKEN Compliance Manual, these are summarized in the STÜKEN Code of Conduct.

All employees are bound by and comply with the STÜKEN Code of Conduct. A business policy in compliance with the law and principles serves the long-term success of the company. The STÜKEN Code of Conduct comprises the following guiding principles:

  1. We conduct business exclusively within the framework of the applicable laws and regulations at home and abroad and put value to integrity and openness in our dealings with our business partners. We respect human rights and promote their observance.
  2. We handle confidential information and internal knowledge prudently and thus protect the interests of STÜKEN and our customers.
  3. We support free and fair competition by complying with the applicable anti-corruption laws. Internally, we adhere to the four-eyes principle.
  4. We maintain a professional business relationship with our customers and suppliers that is free of conflicts of interest. Business and private matters are separated.
  5. As an employer, we rely on a working environment characterized by integrity, fairness, respect and equal opportunities. We offer equal opportunities to all employees regardless of age, nationality, gender, religion, skin color or sexual orientation. We respect our employees' right to freedom of association and collective bargaining within the framework of national rights and laws.
  6. We follow our principles of leadership and cooperation as stated in our company guidelines. They form a binding, globally valid framework of action for all employees and managers.
  7. As an employer, we assume responsibility for the health and safety of our employees in the workplace. We reject forced labor and do not accept child labor, in either our own company or with our suppliers.
  8. As representatives of the company, we always behave professionally.
  9. We behave responsibly and treat the company's assets carefully, sustainably and confidentially.
  10. We commit to the sustainable protection of the environment. By this we mean the careful handling of the resources available to us today and in the future.


The Management


Corporate Social Responsibility Report